Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday's Message by Mary

Yesterday at church we had an awesome sermon. It was titled "The Heart of the Matter". It was great and a real eye opener for me. He started it with a verse: "For where your treasure is there your heart will be also"(Mt. 6:21). Then he asked these next 2 questions: 1)What is the most important thing in your life? And I hate to admit this but the first thing that came to my mind was not God it was my family. Then I thought well without God I would not have a family. 2)What evidence exists to prove your assertion? And this is the question that opened my eyes. I realized that everyday I do more nonimportant things and not hardly anything to God. So I decided during church that every morning after Dawson leaves for school and before Mary Carly wakes up that would be my time with God. I am telling this story in hopes to remind everyone to spend time with God. Just talk to Him like He is sitting beside you. And remember He always knows your heart! Have a Happy Monday!!!

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